Foundation Grants Help those with Disabilities through Lifespan of Greater Rochester, Inc.

“Foundation funding is critical to our Future Care planning services program, enabling us to provide necessary legal services to families who care for a loved one with a disability.”
Jenny, a 35-year-old with an intellectual disability, lived in a group home. She had been under the guardianship of Adult Protective Services since her mother died. Her Aunt Jane cared deeply about Jenny but had no idea how to obtain a guardianship.
They came to Future Care, where an attorney assisted in transitioning guardianship to the aunt. Jane helped move Jenny to a more appropriate residence, where Jenny blossomed. She became more independent, began using Lift line, got a non-driver’s ID, and began living a healthier lifestyle by becoming more aware of diet and exercise. (She lost 60 pounds!)
Initially, Jenny wanted to go to Aunt Jane’s home every weekend. But now she is so much happier in the new residence that she often tells her aunt she has plans with friends and opts to stay “home” for the weekend.
With the help of Future Care, Aunt Jane has peace of mind knowing Jenny is healthy and happy. She also has a clearer understanding of Jenny’s benefits and the system that supports her.